Cell adhesion model assay

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Service description

  • Cell adhesion is defined as the binding of a cell to another surface, such as the extracellular matrix (ECM) or other cells. Cell adhesion is essential for cell integrity, cell growth, and communication with other cells.
  • Cell adhesion assays typically look at the adhesion of cells in the presence of ECM proteins such as collagen or fibrinogen, then non-adherent cells are removed to measure the remaining adherent cells.

Materials to provide

  • Cell cultures, plasmids, and compounds, with known conditions.

  • Further details on the project may be requested.
  • You will be able to exchange directly with the experts after filling in the form below.

Typical deliverables

  • Cell culture and cell assay with each condition done in triplicates.
  • Publication-ready pictures.
  • Raw data (pictures, distances, etc…).
  • Short interpretation.
  • Advanced analysis.
  • Study following the specifications validated with the Expert.
Capture d’écran 2020-10-16 à 10.57.43

Get started with your cell adhesion assay project

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COVID-19 Services
Samples blood 60 2
Biological Samples
R&D mecanism 60
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