Influenza biological samples:
Utilization in research and sourcing

The development of drugs and diagnostic tests for the treatment and detection of Influenza infection requires conducting studies on biological samples obtained from patients infected by Influenza virus.

A brief overview of various cancers and how the services offered by Labtoo contribute to accelerating research and development projects in the pharmaceutical industry.


Are you looking for biological samples from patients with Influenza?

What are Influenzas?

Influenza, a viral respiratory illness, is associated with seasonal epidemics and occasionally global pandemics. The responsible viruses mainly belong to the family Orthomyxoviridae and the genera Influenzavirus. These are single-stranded RNA viruses.

Three main types of influenza viruses pathogenic to humans are distinguished: types A, B, and C. Among them, types A and B are the most common and closely associated with seasonal epidemics in humans.

Influenza A virus

They are known for their ability to undergo significant genetic mutations, which can lead to the emergence of new viral strains capable of evading pre-existing immunity in the population.

These mutations have been responsible for severe pandemics, such as the Spanish flu pandemic in 1918, the Asian flu pandemic in 1957, the Hong Kong flu pandemic in 1968, and the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic.

Type A viruses are classified into subtypes HxNy based on their surface proteins, hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N). Currently, two subtypes of influenza A are circulating, A(H1N1) virus and A(H3N2) virus.

It is worth noting that these viruses can infect humans as well as certain animal species.

Influenza B virus

Although they also undergo mutations, they generally evolve more slowly than type A viruses. They are associated with less severe epidemics but can still cause serious infections, especially in young children, the elderly, and immunocompromised individuals.

Type B viruses are not classified into subtypes but are subdivided into two lineages: B/Yamagata and B/Victoria.

These viruses infect only humans.

Type of Influenza Subtype Classic Symptoms Most Affected People
Influenza A H1N1 Fever, cough, headache, fatigue, shortness of breath, muscle pain Children, Adolescents, Adults
  H3N2 Fever, cough, shortness of breath, muscle pain Children, Adolescents, Adults
Influenza B B/Yamagata Fever, cough, headache, fatigue, shortness of breath, muscle pain Children, Adolescents, Adults
  B/Victoria Fever, cough, headache, fatigue, shortness of breath, muscle pain Children, Adolescents, Adults


Influenza illustration

Influenza viruses are characterized by their ability to mutate rapidly, making the development of long-term effective vaccines challenging and presenting constant challenges for public health."

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Explore Labtoo's Service for Your Biological Sample Research

Labtoo assists you in sourcing biological samples from patients infected with influenza. Our team manages the entire project of transferring biological materials from inception to sample delivery.

  • Feasibility assessment of sample availability or clinical collection from referenced clinical centers
  • Validation of regulatory aspects
  • Establishment of a contractual framework
  • Dispatch of desired samples under appropriate conditions
  • Transfer of associated clinical data
  • Additional analytical and experimental services

Types of available samples


Fresh tissues

Cell cultures can be utilized to study viral replication and host-pathogen interactions of the influenza virus.

Frozen tissues (OCT and FF)

Similarly to fresh tissue, once the tissues are cleared for research, the clinical site can freeze and keep the frozen infectious tissue samples at -80°C or in liquid nitrogen for ulterior use.

FFPE Tissues

Pathologists typically embed the biopsies and resections in paraffin. FFPE blocks of infectious tissues can be used later for research.

Blood derivatives
  • Whole blood: Derived from patients with influenza, this type of sample can be used to study the immune response to viral infection.
  • PBMC (Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells)
  • Serum
  • Plasma
  • Nasopharyngeal swab / Saliva sample
  • Urines
  • Other

Typical associated clinical data

    • Age
    • Sex
    • Ethnicity
    • Detection method
    • Vaccination status
    • Serological / Cytological / Virological / Histological results
    • PCR data (CT, protocol, reagents...)
    • Viral load
    • Follow-up treatment
    • Symptomatology
    • Medical imaging
    • Positivity/negativity for certain infections
    • Other
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Our service identifies clinical sites capable of preparing and transferring a sample collection for a specific project.

Contact our team to discuss your project.

Symptoms of Influenza infection

Labtoo's illustration

Symptoms of influenza virus infection typically manifest between 1 and 4 days post-exposure and persist for approximately one week. They are characterized by high fever, muscle and joint pains, headaches, malaise, as well as sore throat and nasal discharge. These symptoms are similar for viruses belonging to groups A or B.

In vulnerable individuals such as pregnant women, the elderly, or obese persons, the risk of developing a severe form of the disease is higher.

It is important to distinguish influenza from common flu-like conditions, which encompass common symptoms such as headaches, fever, etc., not necessarily attributed to influenza virus infection.

Symptoms of Influenza infection

Symptoms of influenza virus infection typically manifest between 1 and 4 days post-exposure and persist for approximately one week. They are characterized by high fever, muscle and joint pains, headaches, malaise, as well as sore throat and nasal discharge. These symptoms are similar for viruses belonging to groups A or B.

In vulnerable individuals such as pregnant women, the elderly, or obese persons, the risk of developing a severe form of the disease is higher.

It is important to distinguish influenza from common flu-like conditions, which encompass common symptoms such as headaches, fever, etc., not necessarily attributed to influenza virus infection.

Labtoo's illustration

Complications during influenza infection

Influenza can lead to various complications, particularly in high-risk individuals. Among these are:

Reye syndrome

This rare but potentially serious complication primarily affects children and adolescents with viral infections who have taken aspirin.

Reye syndrome is characterized by acute inflammation of the brain (encephalopathy) and liver dysfunction (acute liver failure). Symptoms may include persistent vomiting, behavioral changes, confusion, drowsiness, seizures, and even coma.

The exact causes of this syndrome are not fully understood, but aspirin appears to play a crucial role in its development.

Tracheitis: Inflammation of the trachea.

Sinusitis: Inflammation of the sinuses.

Pneumonia: Inflammation of the lungs

Septicemia: Blood infection, which can lead to septic shock.

Myosites: Muscle inflammations

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