How to deal with feedback 

February 15th, 2022, by Labtoo's team

How do you ensure that your provider fully understands what is at stake for you?

Choosing a provider means trusting them with your project, and they must serve your best interests during the project.

Therefore how do you ensure perfect communication with your provider?

  • By holding regular meetings (weekly/monthly, at milestones, etc.).
  • Using digital productivity tools
  • By delegating this activity to a trusted third party who is mandated to do so.

The benefits of regular interactions?

  • Making the most of a study: as a study progresses, information may emerge that is worth considering now.
  • Respecting deadlines: since the implementation of mandatory feedback at Labtoo, we have doubled the rate of projects completed on time.
  • Prepare for the future: additional testing may be required, so a good customer-supplier relationship will be mutually beneficial



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