3D Cell culture experiment

3D cell culture 300x223

Service description

  • Recreates the micro-environment conditions encountered in the body and organs with the 3-dimensional cell culture (3D culture).
  • Provide an environment for cells to form structures called spheroids in which cells can interact with each other.
  • Different media for 3D culture: sponges (based on polymers or proteins of the extracellular matrix), gels (synthetic or natural), or plastic supports (inserts or film with a micro-structure).

Materials to provide

  • Further details on the project may be requested.
  • You will be able to exchange directly with the experts after filling in the form below.

Typical deliverables

  • Study following the specifications validated with the Expert
  • In vitro assays
Capture d’écran 2020-10-16 à 10.57.43

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