In vivo pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics analysis

PK PD 300X225

Service description

  • A pharmacokinetic study evaluates how a drug is managed by the body, usually by measuring the concentration of the drug or compound in the blood, urine, or tissues over time. Pharmacokinetic studies are used to characterize the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) of a compound.
  • On the contrary, the main objective of pharmacodynamic studies is to collect information on the effects of a drug on the body.
  • In this service, you can select the pharmacokinetic (PK), pharmacodynamic (PD) study, or the PK / PD relationship.

Materials to provide

  • Animal model (if needed).

  • Further details on the project may be requested.
  • You will be able to exchange directly with the experts after filling in the form below.

Typical deliverables

  • Results of the study.
  • Results analysis.
  • Study following the specifications validated with the Expert.
Capture d’écran 2020-10-16 à 10.57.43

Get started with your pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics project

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COVID Labtoo 60
COVID-19 Services
Samples blood 60 2
Biological Samples
R&D mecanism 60
Experimental Services
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