In vivo toxicity studies

test cognitif 300x225

Service description

  • Animal experimentation in accordance with the 3R offers an innovative and highly informative study model at an advantageous cost.
  • The animal model makes it possible to study the different toxicities (neurotoxicity, cardiotoxicity, hepatotoxicity, etc.) of drugs, allowing rapid decision-making on the further development of the drug.
  • This service allows you to select screening tests for general and organ-specific tests.
  • It can be performed in GLP (good laboratory practice) environment if required.

Materials to provide

  • Animal model request.
  • Compounds to test.

  • Further details on the project may be requested.
  • You will be able to exchange directly with the experts after filling in the form below.

Typical deliverables

  • Acute toxicity assay.
  • Teratogenicity assay.
  • Hepatototoxicity assay.
  • Ototoxicity assay.
  • Behavior alteration assay.
  • Cardiotoxicity assay.
  • Immunotoxicity assay.
  • Data analysis.
  • Study following the specifications validated with the Expert.

Get started with your in vivo toxicity study project

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